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Donetsk State Academic Russian Opera and Ballet Theatre
The first season of the Theatre was opened with opera “Knyaz Igor” by Borodin, 1st September 1932, Lugansk, Ukraine. In 1941 the Theatre was trasfered to Stalino (the old name of Donetsk) by the decision of Ukrainian Soviet Government. A new theatre building was build according to the plan of architect Ludvig Kotovsky The Theatre was renamed in Donetsk Russian Musical Theatre. The Theatre opened his first artistic season in Stalino with opera “Ivan Susanin” by Glinka on the !2th of April 1941. The first art-director of the Theatre was an outstanding opera conductor Lapitsky. In the past-war years the Theatre became a centre of musical culter of Donetsk region. It started an active propaganda of native and foreing, classical and modern opera and ballet art. In !946 Donetsk Russian Musical Theatre was renamed in Stalin State Russian Opera and Ballet Theatre. For the all the year the Thetre realized more than 250 stagings of native and world classical perfomances. In the repertory of the Theatre are “Otello”, “Traviata”, “Nabucko”, Verdi, “Lucia di Lammermur”, Donisetti, “Anxiety”, “Bohema”, “Madam Butterfly, Puchini. These perfomances go on their original language. The repertory include also “Yolanta”, Tchaikovsky, “Prince Igor”, Borodin, “Zaporozhez Across the Dunabe River”, Gulak –Artemovskiy etc. Ballets: “Swan Lake”, “Nutcracker”, Tchaikovsky, “Jizel”, Adan, “Don Quixote”, Minkus, “Samson and Dalila”, Hachaturjan, “The Night of Valpurg”, Guno, “Pahita”, Minkus, “, “Peer Gynt”, Grieg, “Shopeniana”, Shopen, “Romeo and Juliatte”, Prokofiyev, divertisments, evenings of current and classical ballet. During its artistic history the Theatre was recognized as one of the best musical theatres of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The creative life of the Theatre is impossible without searching for new perfomances and unfair forgotten old operas of the world classics. It is hard to mentjon any name of world –known composer whose perfomances weren’t shown on the stage of the Theatre. On the 2nd of November 1977 Donetsk State Russian Opera and Ballet Theatre received a rank “Academic” for its destributions into musical art. The deep creative efforta and high requirements to everyday work let the Theatre being a place where many famous people started their artistic journey such as Gulyev, Solovyaneneko, Smolenskaya. They are National Artists of The Union Soviet Socialist Republic. Nowdays in the Theatre are working National Artists of Ukrane: Tamara Logunova, Valentin Zemllyanskiy, Nikolay Momot, Galina Kirilina, Inna Dorofeeva and Vadim Pisarev, a Laurel of many international competitons, “Best Dancer of Europe, 1995”. Also many Honored Artists of Ukraine work at the Theatre: Kaleriya Kamen’yanova, Peter Lobatiy, Yuriy Mezerya, Anatoliy Voronin and Victor Marchenko, etc. The geography of show-tours of the Theatre is very wide. 1976, Kiev. 1979, Moscow. 1979, Magdeburg, Germany. 1996, Italy. Every season since 1989 the ballet troop of the Theatre successfully performe in United States of America. The opera troop of the Theatre was the first from Ukrainian musical theatres with the tour in Italy.They had been there every year (1993-1999). In 1995 the opera troop was on a tour to Spane and Portugal for two months. They took part in international opera festivals. The tour went with great success. The talents of artists were high-recognized by audience and press. Since 1995 the Theatre is a host of International Ballet Festival “World Ballet Stars” (1994-1999). The participants of the Festival are leading ballet dancers of USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Australia, Ukraine, Russia, etc. Besides bringing to audience their own items they participated in perfomances of Donetsk Theatre. In 1992 on base of the Theatre there was established Vadim Pisarev School of Choreography. The art-director of Donetsk State Academic Russian Opera and Ballet Theatre is Vadim Pisarev. |
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